Terms of Use: The Pinterest VA School (PVAS)


By clicking the “Complete My Purchase” button, you, the purchaser of The Pinterest VA School outlined below (hereinafter “you” or “Client”) agree and willingly purchase entry into this program to be provided with services rendered by Let’s Get Social Agency (hereinafter “LGS” and/or “Let’s Get Social Agency”), and you agree you are voluntarily entering into a legally binding Agreement with Let’s Get Social Agency, inclusive of the following terms and conditions mutually agreed upon: 


For good and valuable consideration one thousand three-hundred and ninety-seven U.S. Dollars ($1397), three payments of four hundred and sixty-seven U.S. dollars (3x$467) or six payments of two hundred and thirty-three U.S. dollars 6x$233). Client is electing to purchase the The Pinterest VA School (hereinafter “PVAS”). In exchange, Let’s Get Social Agency agrees to provide the services outlined in the Program Details below, and Program Outline Addendum attached hereto.


1. Client agrees and understands that he/she is purchasing the The Pinterest VA School (“PVAS” or “Program”) by Let’s Get Social Agency, a Pinterest marketing course designed to teach individuals how to build their own successful Pinterest marketing agency. Created by Pinterest strategists, Emily Parsons and Brianne Galloway, PVAS is a comprehensive online Pinterest marketing program providing best practices and Pinterest strategies for individuals to help them build and grow their Pinterest virtual assistant business.


2. Client acknowledges that he/she has read the Program Outline Addendum and conducted any additional research necessary to feel he/she understands what is being provided in PVAS as well as what is not included. Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined herein, as well as the general policies and procedures that can be found in this Agreement and on Let’s Get Social Agency’s website. 


If at any time Client is found to be disruptive, making disparaging or defamatory comments about Program, Emily, or Bri, or otherwise negatively impacting Program for others and hindering or distracting other Clients from their own success, LGS reserves the right to remove such Client, without refund. Client understands this, and knows this is a risk if he/she elects to act in such an inappropriate manner.



1. Client understands that one of the primary elements in purchasing PVAS and learning from Let’s Get Social Agency is the benefit of obtaining expert guidance, training, materials, and templates that have allowed Let’s Get Social Agency to generate 5 & 6-figure revenue months for their clients using Pinterest marketing. Following Client’s participation in this program, Client will have gained access to various pieces of training and personal intellectual property of Let’s Get Social Agency, including but not limited to materials such as verbal advice, written templates, modules, business advice, and/or other information that may have become available for use through Client’s participation in PVAS. Client understands and acknowledges that this information is not to be openly shared with others who have not participated in PVAS, without permission from Let’s Get Social Agency.


2. Client agrees not to share, copy, or distribute any documents or other proprietary information obtained through PVAS, and agrees that he or she will be in violation of these Terms of Use if he or she uses any of the Content outlined as his/her own material, or repurposes and uses the Content in his/her own business as a product or service being offered for sale. Client also understands and agrees he/she will not disclose or use any information provided to Client as part of her membership in PVAS, other than for personal use in his/her own Pinterest business accounts without prior written permission from Let’s Get Social Agency.




1. Client understands and agrees that any and all commentary provided on public social media profiles including those belonging to Let’s Get Social Agency or inside “The Pinterest VA School Private Facebook Community” may be published and used as testimonials by Let’s Get Social Agency. Client gives Let’s Get Social Agency a non-exclusive license to use the copy as written on the social media profile, in the email, or otherwise, and repost on Let’s Get Social Agency social media channels, in advertisements for PVAS, or other similar channels for the specific purpose of promoting and showcasing PVAS client results. 


2. If Client chooses to write about positive experiences in PVAS, Client understands the material, along with Client’s name and other identifying information, will likely be published on Let’s Get Social Agency’s website, social media, or otherwise. No payment or additional services will be provided in return for Testimonial, and Client understands he or she is granting Let’s Get Social Agency an unlimited, irrevocable license in perpetuity to use, publish, distribute, or repurpose any information provided to Let’s Get Social Agency as part of a Testimonial. 



1. A one-time payment of one thousand, three-hundred and ninety-seven U.S. dollars ($1397) payable up front, in full, or; 


2. Three payments of four hundred sixty-seven U.S. dollars ($467) payable over three (3) months, totaling $1,401 if this payment plan option is selected; 


3. Six payments of two hundred thirty-three U.S. dollars ($233) payable over two (6) months, totaling $1398 if this payment plan option is selected; 


4. Client agrees to render payment via credit card on Let’s Get Social Agency’s sales and checkout page for PVAS. Client understands he/she is responsible for the full payment and agrees to pay the sum requested electronically, via LGS’s website or a designated third-party payment processor of Let’s Get Social Agency’s choosing, in full. 


5. Client understands the cost of the program is payable in full, or via a payment plan option, which Client will select at the time of purchase.


6. If Client elects to purchase PVAS via the offered payment plan, Client agrees to abide by the rules and payments as explained on LGS’s sales page. Client understands and agrees that following the first payment, subsequent payments will be automatically deducted utilizing the same mode of payment that was used to make the initial payment. Should Client fail to make timely payments, or if additional payments are not able to be processed, Client understands: (1) the remainder of the Program may be forfeited if payment is not made within seven days of the date it is due, and (2) Client will owe a $100 late fee if he/she has not made the appropriate payment after the seven day grace period. Client’s decision to cease use of PVAS for any reason does not eliminate Client’s responsibility to complete the payment plan as agreed upon. Payment in full is required regardless of use, happiness with product, or results. 


Client understands and agrees that his/her credit card used to make the initial payment in the payment plan will be automatically charged for each of the subsequent monthly payments thereafter, on or about the same date of the following month.  


7. Let’s Get Social Agency reserves the right to cancel Client’s access to PVAS should he/she fail to make additional payments in accordance with the payment plan as agreed upon. Should this occur, Client understands she/he is not entitled to a refund of funds already issued to Let’s Get Social Agency in exchange for work completed thus far, and it is up to the sole discretion of LGS whether Client is to have continued access to any materials made available to Client during the Program up until payments were missed.


8 . If Client and LGS have not agreed upon a payment plan, Client understands one is not available, and agrees to provide payment in full, upfront, in the manner(s) designated on LGS’s sales page. 



1. Let’s Get Social Agency believes in its product, which has been applied and successful for many customers of PVAS and clients of LGS. It believes the methods work, but only if the Client is dedicated to the process. Due to the subjective nature of the Program provided by Let’s Get Social Agency’s inability to control Client’s availability, motivation, external forces, financial situation, or level of engagement in the Program, LGS will not offer refunds. Please conduct any and all necessary research to determine if PVAS is right for you prior to purchasing.



1. Client understands and agrees that he/she is voluntarily choosing to enroll in PVAS and is solely responsible for any outcomes or results. While Let’s Get Social Agency believes in its Program and that PVAS is able to help many individuals, You as the Client acknowledge and agree that Let’s Get Social Agency is not responsible nor liable to Client should Client encounter any negative ramifications. Client agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her well-being and the well-being of his/her business, including participation in PVAS and any results therein, and agrees that any decisions to implement strategies, tactics, and information contained within PVAS is solely the responsibility and decision of Client. 


2. While Client is allowed to express his/her opinion regarding PVAS, should Client make any false or disparaging comments within the PVAS Facebook Group, to other members of PVAS, or otherwise publicly speak negatively about Let’s Get Social Agency, Emily Parsons and/or Brianne Galloway, or any other member of PVAS, Client may be removed from the PVAS facebook group. Client understands that any extensive negativity or similar disruption to the community in this way may result in removal from the Program and all relevant communities, with NO REFUND. 



1. Let’s Get Social Agency cannot guarantee results of PVAS, and cannot make any representations or guarantees regarding individual results. Client will hold Let’s Get Social Agency and PVAS harmless if he or she does not experience the desired results, including but not limited to an increase in revenue from Pinterest marketing. 


2. Earnings Disclaimer: Let’s Get Social Agency also does not make any guarantees or assurances regarding a particular financial outcome based on use of Program, nor is LGS responsible for Client earnings, or any increase or decrease in finances based upon information within LGS. Any information or testimonials regarding past or current clients’ participation in PVAS or working with Let’s Get Social Agency contained on Website or in sales material that contains financial information are individual, and results may vary. Client acknowledges that Let’s Get Social Agency has no way of ensuring that PVAS will work or be applicable to all individuals or businesses. It is your job as the consumer to assess whether PVAS will be right or beneficial for you, and is in no way the responsibility of Let’s Get Social Agency, Emily Parsons and/or Brianne Galloway, or anyone else associated with Let’s Get Social Agency.


3. Client understands that all services provided by Let’s Get Social Agency in connection with the Program being purchased are provided on an “as is” basis, meaning it is without any guarantees, representations, or warranties, including but not limited to warranties relating to quality, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or expectation or course of performance. Client is choosing to purchase this Program and work with Let’s Get Social Agency on a purely voluntary basis and does not hold LGS or Program responsible should Client become dissatisfied with any portion of the Program. 


4. Client agrees that he/she does not have a cause of action, legal remedy, and is not entitled to a refund should he/she not achieve the results desired following completion of the program, as long as Let’s Get Social Agency delivers the Program as described in Paragraph 1 above, or similar substitutes, upon additional agreement by LGS and Client.


5. Client agrees to hold Let’s Get Social Agency harmless should any physical, emotional, or financial injury occur as a direct or indirect result of use of PVAS. The content provided by LGS on his/her website and within PVAS is information that has worked for Let’s Get Social Agency and other clients of LGS, and may or may not be useful to Client in his/her personal business. Client understands LGS cannot guarantee results from this Program, and has no expectation of a specific result that he or she holds Let’s Get Social Agency responsible for. 



1. Copy, edit, distribute, duplicate or steal any information or any Content obtained through Program without written permission by Let’s Get Social Agency.


2. Post, distribute, copy, steal or otherwise use any portion of the Program or its content, or information obtained via other members in the Program without written permission by Let’s Get Social Agency, and understand that any such use may constitute infringement, which may give rise to a cause of action against Client.


3. Claim any content created by Let’s Get Social Agency as part of the Program or otherwise given to Client is his/her own.


4. Share purchased materials, information, content with others who have not purchased them.


5. Client further acknowledges and understands that any such actions including but not limited to those outlined above will likely constitute infringement and/or theft of Let’s Get Social Agency’s work, and a violation of this Agreement and United States Federal laws.


6. Client agrees and understands that LGS has created numerous original, creative works in connection with the Program, and agrees that Let’s Get Social Agency maintains all copyrights, licenses, and other intellectual property rights in all original or derivative content associated with or included in the Program, whether created prior to working with Client or specifically for Client, including but not limited to: videos, modules, documents, charts, emails, graphs, products, systems, processes, handouts, worksheets, templates, and any other original work created by Let’s Get Social Agency. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a transfer of ownership of any Intellectual Property from LGS to Client, nor grant any license to use the information, other than that which is expressly provided throughout the course of the Program. 


7. Client agrees and understands he/she is not to copy, repost, alter, publish, sell, assist others in selling, manipulate, distribute, or in any way exploit any of the content or intellectual property provided by Let’s Get Social Agency or obtained through working with Let’s Get Social Agency, without Let’s Get Social Agency’s express written consent. If such behavior is discovered or suspected, Let’s Get Social Agency reserves the right to immediately end Client’s participation in the Program without refund, as well as access to any program or materials Client may have purchased, without refund, and reserve the right to prosecute any actionable infringement or misuse to the full extent of the law.  



Client shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Let’s Get Social Agency, Let’s Get Social Agency team, employers, employees, contractors, and affiliates from and against any and all liabilities and expense whatsoever – including without limitation, claims, damages, judgments, awards, settlements, investigations, costs, attorneys fees, and disbursements – which any of them may incur or become obligated to pay arising out of or resulting from the offering for sale, the sale, and/or use of the Program. Client shall defend LGS in any legal actions, regulatory actions, or the like arising from or related to this Agreement. Should LGS be required to defend itself in any action directly or indirectly involving Client, or an action where we decide Client’s participation or assistance would benefit LGS’s defense, Client agrees to participate and provide any evidence, documents, testimony, or other information deemed useful by Let’s Get Social Agency, free of charge. 



Client is to have continued access to PVAS for as long as it is offered on the current platform by Let’s Get Social Agency. If LGS ceases offering Program or discontinues use of platform on which Program is offered, Client will be notified via the email they used to purchase Program, and will have the opportunity to download Program materials prior to access ending. If Client fails to check this email in time, or otherwise does not download materials before Program access ends, Let’s Get Social Agency is not responsible for any loss in Program materials, or loss of access. 


Client understands, acknowledges, and agrees he/she is purchasing The Pinterest VA School (PVAS) by Let’s Get Social Agency. Once the Program is purchased, Client will have access to all modules. After which, Client is to have continued access for as long as the Program is offered and supported, and may review or complete at his/her own pace. 


Client has carefully read this Program Outline and acknowledges that he/she is aware of what is, and what is not included within this Program. Client is aware that this Program Outline includes EVERYTHING included within the Program. If Client expects additional information, products, services, or other information to be provided in this Program but does not see it here, Client understands it may not be included. Let’s Get Social Agency is under no obligation to provide anything other than what is listed above, with the exception of updated or ever-changing PVAS Bonuses and/or Bundles offered for limited periods of time. Only improvements to the current lessons or new informative modules will be added to this Program Outline Addendum.


By completing the online purchase and being charged the amount listed above, Client confirms he or she has reviewed this Program Outline on the Sales page, completed any and all appropriate additional research, and asked all necessary questions of Let’s Get Social Agency in order to feel appropriately educated of the Program and product/service being offered. Client understands he or she will not be entitled to a refund once completing this purchase for any reason, other than as discussed above.Â